Thursday, 4 June 2009

The third verse...

If I were to label a song as my favourite song of all times and across all genres, it would undoubtedly be Sweet Child Of Mine by Guns and Roses.

I clearly remember the first time I heard this song. I was still in school...
The introductory guitar chords just blew my mind out. The words managed to paint a beautiful picture in my mind. And from there began my search... for my Everly!

The song has been right on top for me, since then. It has also been the ring tone on my cell phone for the last 3 odd years, my alarm for the last 8 odd months and what not!

It's amazing how a simple poem written by Axl Rose to his then girlfriend (Soon to be wife... and soon to be divorcee) Erin Everly, turned into one of GnR's masterpieces.
They were unsure of the music they had given to it...
Slash's intro was laughed off at first!
They did not know how to end the song... "Where do we go now?" aquestion asked by Rose actually ended up as part of the song...

It seems Everly took Rose back to the happier parts of his childhood.
It also seems like he felt protected when he was around Everly and that he hated seeing tears in her eyes, which were probably brought about by him.

I happened to come across my Erin Everly some time ago and in no time the meaning of the song was clear to me.
Not surprisingly, the fate of me and my Everly were starkly similar to that of Rose and his (save for the marriage bit :) )
And Everly's surely do bring out the creative best in their Roses!
My creative juices have been flowing a little too much...

Someone give me Axl Rose's phone number I start tormenting you with a Third Verse of my own :P

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