Sunday, 5 July 2009

I Wish...

I wish I was...

The African Sky - Awe inspiring, Infinite and Expressive
A Thunderstorm - Leaving behind Warmth despite being Cold and Wet
Sachin's Bat - Bludgeoning every oncoming obstacle with Style, Precision and Grace
Slash's Axe - Giving birth to some of the most inspirational guitar music ever
A Red Savina Chilli - Butt Burning yet Aphrodisiacal, Tear Invoking yet full of pleasure
The Froth atop a Mug of Beer - Effervescent, Bubbly and always such a Tease
My Girlfriend's Bathroom Mirror - A true reflection of her beauty, her Confidence Booster, her Alter-ego, her constant Companion
Hetfield's Voice - Unconventional, Versatile and Heart Piercing
The Jaws of a Crocodile - Deadly, Determined and Destructive

An Admiral Kalashnikov 47 - Gifting infinite Power to it's holder and certain Death to it's adversary
A Bar of Premium Chocolate - Sinful and an absolute Anti-Depressant
The Amazonian Rainforest - Self Sustaining, Protective and Green
Molten Lava - Flowing ever so Calmly at times, lashing out Furiously at others
Beatrix Kiddo's Samurai Sword - Emiting that spine chilling ring when removed from it's Sheath
The Red on a Ferrari - Symbolical, Loud and Enviable
The Night - Silent yet Noisy, Lonely yet Crowded, Eerie yet Comfortable
Satan - Evil, Feared, Feiry, Worshipped
My Lumbar Vertebrae - To allay their Decay and to slow down their Death
Hope - To keep the Faith

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you could be... if you tried and believed.